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An intro to our training sessions...

Dronfield Running Club is for everybody!


Clicking the links above will tell you a bit more about each of our different sessions.


If you feel you aren't quite ready to join our sessions or have any concerns that the level and pace you currently run at precludes you from joining in then please get in touch via the contact page and we will do all we can to help, advise or allay your fears.


More often than not, people assume they're 'too slow for a running club' when that really isn't the case. We are an inclusive club; encouraging and supportive of runners of all levels but we also have a duty to our existing membership to ensure our training nights are run at a suitable level. 


If you aren't quite ready to join our training nights then we will say so, but we can also help and assist you in getting to a point where you can. Honesty is the best policy and we'd rather assist prospective members to reach a level that means they can enjoy training with us rather than them just turning up and having a bad experience.

Try before you buy!

Guests are more than welcome to come along and try out any of our training sessions before they commit to membership.


This is limited to two sessions before we ask that you become a member of the club and pay subscriptions.


If you would like to try out our sessions please speak to us in advance via the contact page so we can welcome you and advise on specifics.

The Small Print...

By attending any Dronfield Running Club training night it is understood that you have a full understanding and are fully accepting of all documentation provided by the club and that you have:


1. Read the Risk Assessments and agree to abide by the advice contained within. Copy available on the Club Documents page

2. Agree to abide by the club rules.

3. That the club has made steps to mitigate risk of accident and injury but you are accepting that you are entering into an activity that has inherent risks and you are responsible for your own safety.

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